Tuesday 27 August 2013

Taliban spokesman Ehsan-u-Allah Ehsan eventually caught on video interview

TTP spokes man Ehsanu Allah Ehsan recently appeared in an interview. Ehsanu Allah Ehsan strongly condemn the killing of innocent people in mosques, streets and in markets. The TTP spokesman also added that the TTP is never against the POLIO VACCINATION because this is a matter of children health. He further added that the TTP will soon announce their educational policy. The spokesman said that MQM is a terrorist and secular organization and our policy never changed about them. He also said that TTP is planing to make wing for Jihad-e-Kashmir. About journalism he gave his view as the TTP supports expression of opinion but unfortunately the media is supporting one group and not listening the other.   He said that we are a part of Pakistan and we are fighting for Islamic system in this country. For further detail watch the interview.